New find .. Dotee Dolls! Searching through the current swaps on Swap-bot I found Dotee Dolls! So, I googled them to see just what is all the fuss about this cute little unique doll. Dotees are an artful creation by Dot at dotslifeandart.blogspot.com. However, I don't think she's active on her blog any longer. But her dolls are still going strong and spreading the internet like mad and have been for several years. I'm a newbie at Blogging and Swapping, so I'm just now learning of these cutsie little creatures! Dotees are handmade, each unique, 4-6 inches long, must contain a hanger and a tail, a face, but NO arms or legs and dolled (pardon the punn) with jewels, laces, beads, yarn .. etc. Just where ever your imagination will take you. Most dotee swaps have a theme like Mermaid Dotee, St Patty Day Dotee, Valentines Dotee, Little Bo Peep Dotee .. and the list goes on.
So, while I'm still working on my next quilt (piecing the top) I'm also swapping Dotees like a mad woman. It's a great way to use up some of those small pieces of fabric! My Rainbow Dotee left on Tuesday to go to her new home in the UK. I named her Daisy. My Valentine Dotee will leave today. She's going to the beautiful state of Hawaii to bask in the sun. Her name is Valentina. My St Patty Dotee is still waiting for her adoption (swap partner has not been assigned) and last nite I started my Newbie Dotee .. sender's choice. No theme on this one but she's got long hair with a beaded headband and coming together beautifully! The Gypsy Dotee is also waiting for her new home to be announced. It was suppose to be on the 10th but no news yet.
It's been super cold here in Texas .. high 20's but no snow or ice .. thank goodness! So, no better way to pass the time but inside in my studio with hot cocoa and my sewing machine staying warm!
Burrrrrrr ....
You keep warm there! You look so darling in your apron a few posts down!!! I LOVE aprons too! Not sure if you have WinCo store out there but that is where I buy my A & H washing soda. Sometimes Wal-Mart has had it. Anyhoo, I have bought lots of things on line, so maybe buying the washing soda would be a good investment. Maybe you can Google laundry detergent recipes and find one that doesn't use it? Wishing you luck! It is so fun to make your own! Have a wonderful day!
P.S. I love your Flirty Apron swaps you are in! LOVE the Halloween apron too!