I do not come from a military family so this was a bit new for me. My dad was in WWII and had a military burial, but I never really lived the "military" style life. I wasn't sure what to expect.
I tried to send alittle something each month .. and with a few family emergencies, I think I missed a month or two. I got to thinking about how much these young men sacrifice and "they never miss .. not even a day" so I wanted to do something extra special for Major Little.
After my second small package to him, he emailed me some pictures of himself and some of the other guys with him. I don't know the lingo .. platoon, squad .. whatever they are called. I just felt the guys were his family away from home. I really enjoyed his email. He told me about himself and where he's been and what he's done, where he's from (Montana .. I'd love to go there) and he wants to setting in Texas when he's done. How cool is that! Texas is an awesome place!
I'm always working on a quilt and always searching for fabric. Anyone who sews knows buying fabric is a never ending joy and you are always on the hunt for something special. I had found some military fabric months ago. I bought it never knowing if I would need it. Voila .. I did! So, in going through my stash, I found coordinating pieces .. enough to make him a quilt.
The quilt is pieced by hand, but I did quilt it on my machine. I guess this was my small contribution to my country. I thought of how safe and warm I was while I was working on this. And how our guys and gals feel who are over in another country fight for us .... Never really knowing what they will encounter each day. With every stitch I made, I was thankful to have them there to protect us and keep us all safe.
So, Thank You Again, Major L. No words can ever express our gratitude to you.